由Space Copenhagen設計的新餐館Allegra和三座“空中花園”,其中一個的設計靈感來自紐約的High Line。酒店位於伊麗莎白女王奧林匹克公園,酒店周圍是以前的奧運會和殘奧會場館,如倫敦體育場,倫敦水上運動中心,和銅箱競技場,以及屢獲殊榮的公園、水道,以及從安尼施·卡普爾(Anish Kapoor)到莫妮卡·邦維奇尼(Monica Bonvicini)等26位藝術家的永久作品。

The new Allegra restaurant by Space Copenhagen and three ‘sky gardens’ one of which is inspired by New York’s High Line.Set within Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, the hotel is surrounded by former Olympic and Paralympic venues – such as the London Stadium, London Aquatics Centre, and Copper Box Arena – and award-winning parklands, waterways, and 26 permanent artworks by artists from Anish Kapoor to Monica Bonvicini.


Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計


室內大麵積的玻璃和植物為住宅塔樓七層花園提供了視覺上的聯係,其中餐具是由英國陶藝家Sue Pryke特別開發。“與酒店的核心舒適空間相比,Allegra擁有更明亮、更輕盈的構成,同樣的,它柔軟、友好,但在視覺和觸覺上更密集,”Space Copenhagen的聯合創始人Signe Bindslev Henriksen和Peter Bundgaard Rutzou說。“Allegra尋求自己的價值核心,盡管它在自然材料和感官觸感方麵與酒店共享一種設計語言。”

Extensive glazing and planting inside provide a visual connection to the seventh​ floor garden of the residential tower and the tactile tableware has been specially developed by British ceramicist Sue Pryke. “Allegra has a brighter and lighter composition than the core amenity spaces of the hotel, which – on a similar note – are soft and friendly, yet denser to the eye and to the touch,” say Space Copenhagen co-founders Signe Bindslev Henriksen and Peter Bundgaard Rützou. “Allegra seeks its own identity, although it shares a design language with the hotel in its celebration of natural materials and sensuous tactility.”


Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計


從床邊放置的超大尺寸的放置衣物框和玻璃水瓶,到鏡子和燈具都很容易觸及的插頭插座,每一個細節都被考慮到讓你的入住盡可能的舒適和愉快。Space Copenhagen再次結合了定製設計的家具,如梳妝鏡、床頭櫃和桌子,以及現有組合中的關鍵部件,如重力燈和GUBI的Stay沙發。

From the oversized hoodies and carafe of water placed by the bed to the presence of plug sockets within easy reach of both a mirror and a source of natural light , every detail has been considered to make your stay as easy and pleasurable as possible. Space Copenhagen has again combined custom-designed furniture, such as vanity mirrors, bedside tables, and desks, with key pieces from their existing portfolio such as their Gravity Lamp and Stay Sofa for GUBI.



Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計


∇ 平麵圖

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計

Stratford酒店,Space Copenhagen,英國倫敦,酒店空間,室內設計



設計公司:Space Copenhagen



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