
The owner, a single urban man who lives in Tel Aviv, has found a 36 square meter apartment in southern Tel Aviv. The apartment at the time of purchase was suitable for the budget however the property was seedy and uninhabitable. The apartment is its division into two floors, in a total height of 5.8 meters.Originally the apartment served as a commercial space.


室內設計師Nitzan Horovitz意識到這個項目將是一次獨特的冒險。首先是因為空間小,其次是因為空間的問題性質。另一方麵,業主想要一個愉快的、有設計感和舒適的地方居住。因此,舊公寓保留了樓梯和樓層劃分。內牆被拆除,支撐走廊的柱子被一根梁取代,各種用途也被改造。

Interior designer, Nitzan Horovitz, has realized that this project is going to be a unique adventure and certainly not a simple one. First, because of the small space and second because of its problematic nature. On the other hand, it was important for the tenant to create a pleasant, designed and comfortable place to live. As a result, in the old apartment remained the staircase and the division into floors. The interior walls were destroyed, a supporting column that held the gallery was replaced with a beam, and the various uses were transformed.


住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念



From the staircase of the building, the door opens to an entrance plain, from which two staircases are diverge: one leads to the basement, where the bedroom and bathing area are located, and second rises four steps into the gallery floor, where there is a living room, a kitchen with a dining table and a small toilet. Central wall cabinets have become a prominent component of the apartment.This is a storage wall, of course, which is used as a connection between the two floors. The depth of the wall closet is 60 cm and the doors are decorated with a white Formica finish with a black stripe.



Moreover, the closet wall contains a large television, which behind is hidden an electrical cabinet and a home theater system. The stairs which are an important motif, paved with graphite porcelain tiles. The rest of the floor was covered with natural oak parquet. Moreover, three main materials stand out in the house – parquet, gray tile, and white Formica.


住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念



On the basement level, there is a double bed, bedside tables, a washing and drying machine, a clear shower and a small storage room. Alongside the shower is a wooden table that functions as a sink table as well as a small work desk.


住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念


∇ 一層平麵圖&地下一層平麵圖  1F plan&basement 1F plan
住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,Nitzan Horovitz,特拉維夫,小宅概念

設計公司:Nitzan Horovitz Architectural design studio
攝影:Oded Smadar


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