采訪檔案 | 張西
瑞士蘇黎世 | 建築師

進入位於蘇黎世市中心的EXH Design歐洲辦公室,遊客立即被那幾乎從地麵到天花板的窗戶吸引到,在這裏可以一覽無餘地欣賞蘇黎世湖和Uetliberg山的景色。

Entering the European office of EXH Design in central Zurich, visitors are immediately drawn towards the nearly floor-to-ceiling windows, which offer unobstructed views of Lake Zurich and the Uetliberg Mountain.


“Good feng shui, right?” says EXH founding partner and CEO Zhang Xi. She throws open the windows and between the fresh air, stunning scenery, and Xi’s presence, positivity flows through the space.


建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築

建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築



The principles of feng shui permeate Xi’s approach to architecture: “It’s about how to maximize the good energy and divert the bad energy,” she says. In traditional China, where there were no architects as such, it was the feng shui master who would determine where the house should go; only then could the craftsmen begin construction. “At the core of much of Asian philosophy is the harmonization of man and nature,” Xi further explains. To that extent, she sees the job of the architect as one of stepping back and enabling this harmonious flow.


Growing up in the Chinese province of Shaanxi in the 1980s, architecture wasn’t Xi’s first choice of career. At school, she was a gifted child, among the top few in her province. Her teacher wanted her to become the region’s physics champion, but her father—a painter—encouraged her to pursue art. She spent a few weeks with him learning guóhuà, a form of traditional Chinese painting, until he realized that she lacked the patience to follow in his footsteps. Xi recalls him telling her, “‘go back to school. You have the talent, but your mind is too busy.’” Eventually, architecture emerged from a fusion of her interests in physics and art.


建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築

建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築



During her studies, in an eight-bed dormitory at Shanghai’s Tongji University, Xi learned to retreat into her mind, and block out noise. Xi recalls the experience vividly: “I could read a book or study for examinations even if a party was going on. I could become detached from the environment. So there I discovered I had… resistance.” This ‘resistance’ still plays an important role in her work life to this day. Now, with EXH offices in Zurich and Shanghai, Xi alternates between a month in each place, with additional visits to client projects in Hong Kong, Singapore, or London. Her tactic for coping with so much travel is to turn inwards. “I have a special ability that I can turn on or off: if the outside world is not that interesting I switch to my inside world,” she says. It’s a great strategy for dealing with global travel, and one that also pushes her architectural work forward. “I work on a lot of designs at the same time. As soon as I have a free moment, I pick up a project, think about a detail, make a sketch, fold paper into a three-dimensional object, or…” her wistfulness surfaces, “…just observe the shadow of a tree.”


建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築

建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築



Xi has subsequently learned that her self-proclaimed “hyperactive mind” can be used to her advantage. “It’s like a big reservoir, or a library; for any project I can pick something related and then start from there. The more knowledge I build up, the more associations I can relate to the outside world.”


The result is an insatiable appetite for learning new things that can be applied to her practice. It’s also part of the reason EXH is renowned for its fluid approach to different design disciplines; they are just as likely to be selecting door handles or cushions as constructing foundations. For EXH architecture is holistic: interior, exterior, form, and function all affect the energy of a building and its users.


Take the facade for the Matsu Flagship Store, Shanghai: the cue for the whole project is the gingko trees that surround the building. EXH built a new exoskeleton using a gingko leaf motif, the shadows created inside bring continuity with the nature outside. The resulting calming effect is passed on to staff and visitors alike.


建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築

建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築


當她談到像這樣的具體項目時,張西總是在討論她的解決方案之前首先解釋客戶的預算、時間表和需求。這證明了她的謙虛和對建築師角色的信念。也許這是她在瑞士生活時產生的一種衝動。瑞士有句俗語“Liefere, nid lafere”,大致翻譯過來就是“deliver don’t babble”。這是瑞士人的態度的縮影,他們認為成功就是一切。

As she talks about specific projects such as this one, Xi always explains the budget, timescale, and requirements of the client first before discussing her solution. It’s a testament to her modesty and belief in the role of architect as an enabler. Perhaps it’s an impulse she picked up as a result of living in Switzerland—where the saying “Liefere, nid lafere,” which roughly translates to “deliver don’t babble,” epitomises the Swiss attitude that success should speak for itself.

張西被世界頂級建築學術機構的聲譽所吸引,於2002年遷往瑞士蘇黎世聯邦理工學院學習。她在這裏的學習,以及在傳奇建築師Herzog和de Meuron的學徒經曆,確保了她接受的是瑞士設計風格的教育:注重細節、高質量和功能性。

Attracted by its reputation as the world’s top academic institution for architecture, Xi moved to Switzerland to study at ETH Zürich in 2002. Her studies here, along with an apprenticeship at legendary architects Herzog & de Meuron, ensured she was schooled in the Swiss design style: detail-oriented, high-quality, and functional.


建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築

建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築


憑借她世界級的教育和多年的經驗,張西於2006年與Herzog校友Erich Diserens共同創立EXH Shanghai。這種做法是將瑞士的原則引入當時日益成熟的中國市場。該團隊不缺乏客戶,並因其令人印象深刻的建築、室內設計和景觀設計而吸引了國際媒體的關注。但張西認為,真正使他們有別於其他公司的是他們的工程專業知識。我們專注於先進的技術解決方案,包括可再生能源概念和數據中心的冷卻係統,她說Gerd Voith是一位著名的工程師,也是我們的第三位合作夥伴。10年後的2016年,張西回到瑞士,在蘇黎世開設了辦事處。

Drawing on her world class education and years of experience, in 2006, Xi co-founded EXH Shanghai alongside fellow Herzog alumni Erich Diserens. The practice brought principles from Switzerland to a Chinese market that was then increasing in sophistication. The team found no shortage of clients, and garnered international press for their impressive array of buildings, interior designs, and landscaping. But Xi believes that what really set them apart from other firms is their engineering expertise. “We specialize in advanced technology solutions that include renewable energy concepts and cooling systems for data centers,” she says. “Gerd Voith, a renowned engineer and our third partner is an authority on the subject.” A decade later, in 2016, Xi returned to Switzerland to open the Zurich office.


It was at ETH that Xi began to understand the difference in how the West approached its history. “Europe is like an architecture museum to me,” she says. “Each epoch looks different and you can literally meander through them because the buildings are so well preserved.” By contrast, she argues, in China historic buildings are treated with less reverence—if something no longer serves a purpose it can be replaced. This Western tradition of honouring the past is demonstrated in EXH’s design for the Visa office at the Swiss Embassy in Beijing. Rather than demolish the existing building, a brick pavilion, a glass expansion was built, enveloping it. The effect was to preserve history and continue the structure’s narrative, while opening the building up to the influence of nature. The Swiss embrace of history was thus performed, driven by Chinese feng shui.


建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築

建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築



Xi is certainly conscious of differences between these two cultures. China, for Xi, is “busy chaotic, and noisy”; a far cry from Zurich’s genteel pace. She laughs about how the Swiss do things differently too: “When my Chinese office speaks to the Swiss office and say they will have something in ‘two or three days,’ the Swiss ask, ‘Which is it? Two, or three days?’”

這些比較可能會永遠持續下去,但它們或許可以在最新出版的專著《EXH Design: Swiss Quality Chinese Speed(2018)》的標題中得到最好的概括。張西試圖將這一主張體現在她的公司的工作中,在中國,質量是困難的,因為建築的速度。在瑞士,速度是困難的,因為一切都是板上釘釘的。但我們之所以這樣命名這本書,是因為我們相信我們可以提供高質量和高速度。

These comparisons could go on forever, but they’re perhaps best summarized in the title of the newly published monograph, EXH Design: Swiss Quality—Chinese Speed (2018). It’s a claim Xi tries to embody in her firm’s work, “In China, quality is difficult because of the speed in which buildings are built, and in Switzerland speed is difficult because everything is set in stone. But we named [the book] that way because we believe that we can offer both quality and speed.”


建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築

建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築



One building encompassing this dichotomy is the Zurich branch of the world’s largest bank, Industrial and Commerce Bank of China (ICBC). A new office space to be integrated into a heritage building, construction was subject to time-consuming governmental regulation. As the project’s general contractor, EXH managed design and construction in their entirety and sped up the process by prefabricating many elements while the project was still under the regulator’s consultation.

在這個項目中,工商銀行希望自己的品牌能夠引人注目,但瑞士的監管規定意味著這棟曆史建築的外觀不能被篡改。於是,由照明合作夥伴 Zumtobel定製的照明標識被安裝在會議室的桌子上方。張西興奮地解釋道:“這樣就可以從街上就能看到,這就是為什麼我們不在項目結束時設計照明,有時照明可能是整個想法的靈感來源。”

For this project, ICBC wanted visibility for their brand, but Swiss regulations meant the historic building’s exterior couldn’t be tampered with. So an illuminated logo, built bespoke by lighting partner Zumtobel, was installed above the boardroom table. “It’s visible from the street,” Xi explains with excitement. “That’s why we don’t design lighting at the end of a project, sometimes the lighting could be the inspiration for the whole idea.”


建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築



Bridging Chinese and Swiss cultures seems to come naturally to Xi. By bringing her deep-seated Chinese philosophy to her discipline, she creates dialogues between energy and technology, humanity and nature, speed and quality, history and modernity. Living between Switzerland and China, both physically and culturally, Xi embodies the very idea of globalization. As with all hybrids, what emerges can be greater than the sum of its parts. She has created a new methodology that chooses its references from philosophy and history carefully, and uses them to create a subtle synthesis. Like Xi herself, EXH’s buildings exude an understated confidence and an abundance of good energy.


建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築

建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築

建築空間,建築設計,EXH Design,蘇黎世,EXH建築


EXH Design

2006年,張西在蘇黎世聯邦理工大學建築學碩士畢業後,與人合作在上海成立EXH,致力於為城市規劃、建築和室內設計提供全麵的解決方案,同時為追求品質的客戶提供創造性的建築解決方案。EXH design在中國擁有10年的規劃和建築經驗,已經完成了數十個高質量的項目,懂得如何將約束轉化為潛力。它的國際團隊結合了兩個世界的精華,從技術知識到文化靈感。2016年,張西與Erich Diserens、Gerd Voith、Peter a . Marti共同創立瑞士蘇黎世EXH Design,為歐洲客戶提供設計與施工的整體解決方案。


Text © Luc Benyon for FvF Productions
Photos © Yves Bachmann for FvF Productions



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  • cearo 2019年2月22日 上午9:27
