Hunter & Co Deli位於墨爾本的South Yarra街區,由當地工作室Mim Design設計,其設計反映了主要的熟食食材。

Located in Melbourne’s South Yarra neighbourhood, Hunter & Co Deli is designed to reflect key delicatessen ingredients.


餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design



The counter in the deli zone is made of moulded concrete with a textured surface that recalls camembert cheese. The floors were ground back and the deli’s walls were clad with clean white tiles finished with a terracotta grout.Surrounding walls are painted in a shade of pink that complements the colour of the mortadella and soft pastrami on sale.


餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design


Mim Design在櫃台旁邊安裝了一個大型瓷磚廚師工作台,這是一個鼓勵顧客坐下來了解各種食物的地方。此外,位於夾層的品酒室可以讓顧客品嚐熟食店的各種葡萄酒和產品,也可以俯瞰到一樓。

Mim Design arranged the space to make sure that a strong bond is maintained between staff and customers. To do this, they installed a large tiled chefs bench being installed alongside the counter – it serves as a place where the customer is encouraged to sit and learn about the various food on offer.In addition, a tasting room where customers can sample the deli’s range of wine and produce is located on a mezzanine level that overlooks the ground floor.


餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

餐飲空間,熟食店,國外餐飲空間設計,墨爾本,Mim Design

項目名稱:Hunter & Co Deli
設計公司:Mim Design
攝影:Peter Clarke

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  • Krina 2019年4月3日 上午8:59

    感覺每次打開loft的網頁 就有種被治愈的感覺~過兩周就去打卡hunter 看到自己住的區域有loft的設計 有點激動!

  • 李哲言 2019年7月3日 上午8:37
