
The Kálida Centre is a space of emotional, social and practical support for cancer patients and people around them. It is a home opened to everyone, where qualified professionals offer their help.



The plot is located between the new hospital and the original Art Nouveau buildings. It is parallel to a new road defined by the special urban plan of the area and follows the orthogonal plan of the original project.


公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心



The project includes a small 400 m2 building and a wide garden within the general green area of the building complex. The fundamental idea of the project is to plant some new coloured flowers in the garden of the original hospital, and so the centre is designed as a garden pavilion where the boundaries between interior and exterior blur and vary. The building offers privacy, light, retreat and protection around the garden.


公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心



The building is organised in two floors of about 200 m2. The ground floor is situated in a lower level than the complex around. It is conceived as a sequence of flexible spaces, opened to a garden protected by walls, pergolas and vegetation that can accommodate varied activities. In the ground floor we can find the kitchen, a hall and a high ceiling dining room, a small library and a multipurpose room.



Every room is surrounded by greenery, and the situation of the patios, trees and pergolas is meant to hide the surrounding hospital facilities and to respect the privacy of the Kálida Centre users. Here in the ground floor is the main access of the building, which has direct connection to the oncology area of the nearby hospital through a paved area between them. This area also allows the access to firefighters in cases of emergency.


公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心



The rooms on the upper floor, situated at same height that the rest of the complex, lay around the double-height over the dining room. The façades facing the Art Nouveau buildings towards south are more transparent but protected by wooden blinds to ensure privacy.


公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心



The building façade is a brick wall with glazed ceramic insertions, put together in a variable composition of colours and textures. The wall turns into a ceramic latticework to filter the Mediterranean sunlight, to focus the views of the environment, to provide air circulation and to protect the privacy of inner spaces.


整個項目的靈感來自聖十字聖保羅醫院的新藝術風格,包括材料的多樣性,紋理,顏色,幾何形狀,圖畫和綠色植物等。建築師希望延續原醫院設計師Domènech i Montaner留下的建築語言,因此在新的花園,立麵和屋頂設計中添加這些元素與之呼應。

The whole project has been inspired by the richness of materials, textures, colours, geometries, drawings and greenery of the original Hospital complex. The architect wanted to keep the full original language of Domènech i Montaner’s architecture and so it is reflected in the new gardens, the façades and the roof design.


公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心


∇ 區位圖 Site plan

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心


∇ 地麵層平麵 ground floor plan

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心


∇ 一層平麵圖  1F plan
公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心


∇ 立麵圖 elevation
公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心


∇ 剖麵圖 section
公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心


∇ 景觀設計 landscape plan

公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

∇ 模型 model
公共空間,醫療建築,醫療設施,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT,巴塞羅那,癌症治療中心

項目名稱:Kálida Sant Pau
設計公司:Miralles Tagliabue EMBT
設計團隊:Fundació Kálida, Nous Cims, Fundació Privada de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Maggie’s Centres
攝影:Lluc Miralles


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