全球設計風向感謝來自 DAS Lab 的茶飲店項目案例分享:


Order, Derived from Parts


人類DNA鏈是一個以螺旋結構無限循環的動態體。從微觀細胞到宏觀世界,這樣的循環構建著人類生命與精神的延續。如同麥圈、旋渦、星係的存在亦是同理可證,以內向的螺旋運動衍生出對外在秩序的重建。如何用空間的形式,跳出當代藝術的範疇重新詮釋這一現象成為DAS Lab與喜茶新的研討話題。

Human DNA is a dynamic structure composed of two strands that coil around each other. From microcells to the macro world, it’s such a cycle that enables the continuation of human life and spirit. It also explains the existence of crop circle, vortex, and galaxy, where the inward spiral movement leads to the reconstruction of outward order. How to reinterpret this phenomenon through space and to think outside the box of contemporary art has become a new theme that DAS Lab and HEYTEA work to explore.


餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿



The part is the core of the design— an asymmetric circular structure that spreads in spirals. Through the insertion of such an arrangement, the surroundings are forced to reorganize various spaces with distinct forms, which create diversity beyond the scale and convey the core value of the brand with rich spatial experiences. The new order exists in parts and coexists with experiential behaviors, trying to show people a state in progress. This idea is also derived from the constraints of the site, where the two entrances rigidly cut the circulation. Therefore, we embedded the circular spiral structure into space, which effectively neutralized the problem while emphasized people’s feelings as the coexistence in the space.


∇ 概念演化圖+平麵圖 conceptual evolution + plan

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿



In this project, “Inspiration of Tea” is not merely a declaration from HEYTEA. Through the connection between the parts, a new order naturally comes into being, which in a sense is an unintended response to “inspiration.” On this basis, we screened functions and left extra space to give people more freedom for physical behaviors, encouraging them to find out the commonalities between the public and the core value of HEYTEA more freely.


餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿


如果拋開概念來談材質的堆砌或者追求細節的精工都是無意義的。材質應該代表某種情感語境,輔助想法去構建一個可感知的場所是DAS Lab與喜茶的精神共識。以終端體驗為載體,搭載品牌輸出內容為核心。幫助品牌與年輕消費者建立快速而深刻的情感互通。

It would be meaningless to stack up materials or seek for the exquisite craftsmanship of details, if the design concept was set aside. DAS Lab and HEYTEA reached a consensus that materials need to represent a specific emotional context and support the concept to construct a perceptible venue. Taking end-user experiences as the carrier and brand communication content as the core, we help the brand to build an emotional connection with young consumers quickly.


餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿


∇ 軸測圖 axonometric 

餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿


∇ 細節圖 side view 餐飲空間,茶飲店設計,濟南喜茶,濟南喜茶萬象城店,DAS Lab,茶飲店設計,喜茶店鋪設計,項目投稿



空間與道具設計:DAS Lab(www.das-design.cn)
主要用材:噴砂不鏽鋼 (精鋼世家)、耐磨水泥漆(上海朵頤新材料科技有限公司)、人造石(佳盟人造石)、
撰文及圖紙由DAS Lab提供

Project Name: HEYTEA Store at the Mixc, Jinan
Project Location: The Mixc, Jinan
Interior & Installation Design: DAS Lab (www.das-design.cn)
Principal Designer: Li Jingze
Designer: Zheng Xie
Client: HEYTEA
Client’s Design Team: HEYTEA Spatial Design Department
Key Materials: Sandblasted Stainless Steel, Wear-resisting Cement Paint, Artificial Stone, White Stripe Tile, U Profiled Glass
Area: 295 m2
Design period: 03/2019-05/2019
Construction period: 06/2019-09/2019
Photographer: Shao Feng
Project description and drawings offered by DAS Lab


DAS Lab 創始合夥人 / 主持設計師

DAS Lab 於2017年設立於上海,屬大森設計旗下子品牌。由李京澤先生擔任團隊設計總監,以提供高品質設計服務為目的。致力在文化、零售、餐飲、酒店等多元業態中探索邊緣的、前瞻的創意解決方案。並為行業貢獻獨特的高水準商業設計作品。

Founded in Shanghai, DAS Lab, as a subsidiary of DAS Design, is an experimental design studio led by founding partner and creative director Li Jingze. We aim to provide high-quality design services with devotion to exploring the cutting-edge and forward-looking creative solutions to pluralistic business formats, culture, retail, F&B, and hotel whilst contributing unique high-standard commercial design works to the industry.



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