遊曆蒙太奇 The Montage Excursion



Creating a cultural destination with mise-en-scène



Nowadays, everyone watches movies online, how could physical cinemas stay relevant and attractive for the cinephiles?


電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝


芝作室在設計首個電影院項目MOViE MOViE影城時就麵臨這樣的課題。首先要思索觀影體驗的本質,它是一個逃離現實的瞬間,是一段蕩滌心靈的旅程,或是一場穿越時空的探索。基於這樣的想法,設計團隊嚐試在影院這個實體空間中,以蒙太奇手法設計了一係列場景,試圖喚醒人們曾在旅途中偶遇自然奇觀和發掘秘境的喜悅,讓這段探索之旅更加完滿。

That was the design challenge for our first cinema project for MOViE MOViE at the Taikoo Li Qiantan, a mixed-use development recently completed in Shanghai. We started off asking what is the cinema experience? It is a moment of escape, an internal journey, or an expedition to another world. To complement these adventures, we set out to create a physical platform recalling memories of encountering natural wonders and travelling off the beaten path.


∇ 二層平麵圖 2F plan

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝


∇ 三層平麵圖 3F plan

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝


∇ 四層平麵圖 4F plan

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝



The cinema is located in Taikoo Li Qiantan, a retail complex at the heart of the Pudong New Area. With a focus on wellness and sustainability, the mall is an open-plan and lane-driven architecture reminiscent of an organic valley, offering shoppers a diverse mix of culture and commerce. Bringing a continuity between architecture and interiors, Lukstudio extends the layered stone facade into the multi-level cinema as stacking contours and creates a manufactured “canyon”.


電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝



The main lobby on 3rd floor is designed as a social spot for cinephiles to hangout before or after the show. Shaped by sinuous walls and a glossy floor mimicking water, the “canyon” naturally directs circulation flow along the curvy facade.


電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝



Concession, self-service ticket kiosks and elevator lobby are envisioned as man’s intervention in nature, and they take on a contrasting industrial look with metal panels and rivet details.


∇ 大台階剖麵圖 stepped terrace section

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝


∇ 軸測圖 axonometric-diagram

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝



The undulating “water” floor leads to a double-height hall lined with floor-to-ceiling glazing. Here, at the northwest corner, our manufactured landscape takes on a terrace form. The organic platforms not only create a diversified passage way between two floors, they also integrate a bookstore dedicated to cinematography and movie culture branded The Kubrick.


電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝



Accommodating both casual hangout and big social events, the design adds new possibilities to the conventional cinema experience, welcoming shoppers to pause and relax, movie-goers to discover about their favourite genres, or movie-makers to share their insights after a première.


電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝



The “canyon” continues along the passage to the cinema halls on 2nd and 4th floors. The stacking planes are down-scaled according to the single-storey space, yet the effect is more dramatic and mysterious, cultivating a sense of exploration in the spectators before their cinematic excursion.


電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝



The washroom concept is inspired by the nomadic living. Light structure, curved form and outdoor textures where adopted to conjure an organic atmosphere. A multi-faceted mirror wall captures a psychedelic moment, perhaps unexpectedly transports the “travelers” to a special elsewhere.


電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝

電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝



The theatres are envisioned as crystal caves where triangulated formations create an immersive environment. Black, grey and navy acoustic panels compose the final “caves” of different sizes and heighten the cinematic experience.


電影院設計,電影院設計方案,影院設計,百老彙MOViE MOViE影城,MOViE MOViE影城,百老彙影城改造設計,上海,上海MOViE MOViE影城,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,芝作室設計,陸穎芝


芝作室在MOViE MOViE影院與庫布裏克書店項目中嚐試改變傳統影院的現狀,為電影愛好者創造一個電影主題的文化目的地。人們到此不再僅僅為了看電影,而是在這個物質世界中去探尋更深層次的社會與文化內核。這些從大自然中獲取靈感的場景設計,亦將重新點燃城市居民們的探險精神。

The MOViE MOViE and Kubrick Project challenges the status quo of a conventional cinema and creates a destination of a cinematic world. Going to the cinema is no longer only about watching a movie, but a social and cultural discovery in our physical world. Taking inspiration from nature, Lukstudio aims to create a backdrop for urbanites to rekindle their adventurous spirits.



項目業主 | 百老彙影城
項目地址 | 上海市浦東新區前灘太古裏石區L3層S-L3-13號
室內麵積 | 5500平方米
室內設計 | LUKSTUDIO芝作室
設計總監 | 陸穎芝
設計團隊 | 吳冬、吳敏儀、李墨、尤幸、丁怡人、餘煒鋒、鄧海琦、譚麗苗、喬海濱、王繼珍、杜雪
設計內容 | 室內及燈光
設計時間 | 2020.04 -2021.07
施工時間 | 2021.03- 2021.12
施工單位 | 上海嘉業室內裝飾有限公司
圖紙深化 | 嘉興甪裏建築設計谘詢有限公司
項目攝影 | 張薇倩

Client | Broadway Cinemas
Location | S-L3-13, Stone Zone, Taikoo Li Qiantan, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Net Area | 5500 ㎡
Interior Design | LUKSTUDIO
Director | Christina Luk
Design Team | Dong Wu, Munyee Ng, Edoardo Nieri, Yoko You, Yiren Ding, Weifeng Yu, Kate Deng, Rebecca Tan, Haibin Chao, Jenny Wang, Vivi Du
Scope | interior and lighting
Design Period | 2020.04 -2021.07
Construction Period | 2021.03- 2021.12
General Contractor | Jiaye Interior Design & Decoration Co., Ltd
Drawing Development | Luli Design
Photography | Yui Zhang



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