Kompaniya餐廳是我們為在聖彼得堡享有盛名的餐廳老板Aleksei Krylov和Aleksandr Prokofev開發的第四個項目。店主們想讓這個地方更適合家庭前往,可以讓人逃離城市的喧囂感受到家的感覺,同時室內裝飾應是現代的。團隊想最大限度地利用雙層空間,展示出餐廳兩層之間的聯係。

Kompaniya Restaurant on Moskovski prospect is the fourth project that we have developed for the restaurateurs Aleksei Krylov and Aleksandr Prokofev who are well-known in Saint Petersburg.The guys wanted this place to be intended more for families and make it homelier for one to escape from the city bustle. At the same time, it must have been modern. we wanted to make the most of double height space, show a connection between the two levels of the restaurant.


餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳



Besides, we wanted the restaurant hall to be well visible from the street for passers-by in order to attract visitors. For this purpose, the space next to windows was filled with a high construction made of wood and metal. Planters and cache-pots with plants placed there made it look like a glass or orchard house. The construction provided for connection between the two levels of the restaurant .This part of the restaurant is associated with some kind of a winter garden: there is a lot of light and greenery here, all the furniture in this zone is of an outdoor type, and lightning is also similar to street spotlights. we used elements represented in the first Kompaniya Restaurant as a basis in order to keep these two projects in the same breath.


餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳


∇ 平麵圖 plan
餐飲空間,國外餐廳設計,DA architecture bureau,聖彼得堡,餐廳

項目名稱:Kompaniya Restaurant
設計公司:DA architecture bureau
攝影:Sergey Melnikov


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