
The project consisted of updating and adapting an existing building to the present, to new materials, to new ways of life.


原建築現有基地上的兩座住宅中的一座,這兩座住宅以相嵌的方式組合在一起,共用著幾道夯土牆。這兩座住宅的建築風格都呼應了西班牙La Plana de Lleida地區內的建築樣式,坐落於一個約5米寬、15-30米長的長方形地塊上。本項目通過有選擇性地拆除原有住宅的一部分空間,來實現項目的目標,滿足客戶對其的功能需求。

The existing building is the result of the sum of two houses between a rammed earth party walls. They are buildings that respond to the typology in ​​La Plana de Lleida area featuring a rectangular plot that is around 5 meters wide and 15-30 meters in length.


住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio



The main approach of the project was to empty the existing building in a selective way in order to attain the project aims and provide for the functional needs of the clients. This void allowed for the elimination of existing elements and for a reduction in the amount of surface requiring remodeling and thereby provides economic savings for the client. This decrease in remodeling area allowed us to provide the functional needs required by customers almost automatically. New visuals and relationships were also generated between the new rooms, both vertically and horizontally. The decision to place the empty spaces in contact with the north and south facades allowed us to obtain a greater contact surface with the exterior and to generate a more compact building. This reduced depth allowed us to extend the light from the facade to the center of the house.



Our efforts for this project were concentrated on giving the new spaces a domestic feel in the face of its monumentality. The new inner spaces generated by our selective vacuums are where we placed the spaces with a more “public” appeal.


住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio


本住宅共有三層,首層設有古羅馬建築中窄通道(“Roman Fauces”)一般的入口,創造出一種先窄後寬,視線猛一下變得開闊的感覺,向住宅寬敞的入口大廳和小鎮上的傳統房屋致敬。日間的活動空間集中在二層,這裏設有起居室、廚房和餐廳,同時連接到室內露台和衛生間以及一間陪護室。三層則是夜間活動區域,設有一係列臥室和配套的衛生間。

The building was developed on three levels, on the ground floor we have the “Roman Fauces” entrance, in tribute to the large entrance halls of the farmhouses and the traditional houses in the town. Day activities are concentrated on the first floor, with the living room, kitchen and dining room linked to the inner terrace and bathroom and the accompanying room. The second floor is dedicated to the night area where the rooms and the corresponding bathrooms are concentrated.



The material essence of housing was achieved by fundamentally stripping and removing all ornaments and finishes prior to remodeling and returning the building to its original appearance. The rammed earth walls take on a prominent technical role in this new language since these walls allow us to regulate the natural moisture, temperature and acoustics of the interior of the house.


住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio

住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio


∇ 地麵層平麵 ground floor plan
住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio
∇ 一層平麵 1st floor plan
住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio
∇ 二層平麵 2nd floor plan
住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio
∇ 剖麵 sections
住宅空間,國外住宅空間設計,建築改造,住宅翻新,西班牙,Hiha Studio

項目名稱:Jordi & Anna interior renovation
項目位置:西班牙El Poal
設計公司:Hiha Studio
攝影:Pol Viladoms


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