LOFT中國感謝來自 楊鈞設計事務所 的住宅項目案例分享:



This is a big over storey mansion on the opposite site of China Academy of Art. You could have a bird’s eye view of the whole academy. Therefore there is the communication between architecture and art.



An unorthodox design at the entrance can be seen as a breakthrough of traditional changing area. A Leather clothes pole, a leather stool, a set of shoe cabinet right in front, all design techniques are nice and neat, unconventional, simple and yet of high quality. The design of hallway and aisle background is also unique. Inspired by paper folding, background wall is replaced by an iron installation art . Through the surface of folding iron plate ,allowing the light to be transmitted from different angles. It is therefore like a piece of art that can be admired from every aspect.






Dark grey paint was boldly used on the living room ceiling as to match the floor. This design focuses to accentuate the whole book shelves and fire place. And there you could pick any book, with a teapot of warm tea or a pile of fire wood, sitting next to the fire place and enjoying the peace in the room. Waterstones, copper made skirting, exposed concrete, all these earthy elements are orchestrated to unite obscure ink work, in order to express the idea of modern art and Oriental charm. And this has always been a consistent way of the designer to interpret his work. In the use of light, a hidden element needs to be revealed when the sun sets. The sunray gets through the rack radiated from within and projects gorgeously kaleidoscope-like lights on the mat, tea table and sofa in the living room. The light is reflected with different angles, giving you surprise and happiness, which is predicted from the design but also beyond.







敞開式的廚房設計,把餐廳和廚房融為一體,也是為了能有更好的互動空間,黑白灰的配色 ,幹練整潔,餐廳和休閑區用酒精壁爐做隔斷,背景做投影,設計師認為優雅的就餐環境就應該需要這些,皮質編織的餐墊搭配玻璃桌麵,也是一種傳統與現代的碰撞,不露痕跡的表達了設計的內心。

The open kitchen design combines dining room and kitchen to make them better interacted. The color scheme of black, white and grey is simple and clean. Dining room and function room are separated by alcohol fireplace. Background was composed by projection, which meets the concept of the designer that dining place is supposed to be elegant like this. Leather weaved table mat on the glass table can be seen as a harmonious combination between modern and traditional art, inexplicitly expressing the spirit of the design.







The design of function area is casual and unpretentious. There are water stone platform with real leather and wool mat, stylish floor light, simple decorating wall cabinet and a hanging of abstract painting on the wall, which makes the grey room vivid. Soft decoration is the main theme as to express the concept of freedom, relaxation and satisfaction. You can day dream, watch a movie or even switch it to a wine bar environment, so you could have some social drinking and talk dreams freely with your friends.







The opposite side of the function area uses a spatial height to design a compartment, upstairs as a child room, and the downstairs space design focuses more on the understanding of the building, resulting in interior construction, as an undefined space. Meanwhile the designer is more like an architect, trying his best to conceptualize the space, the design of the slant staircase is like a sculpture without too much to decorate. There is a red gyroscope at the stairs entrance vitalizing the whole space, and leaving it to the owner. It can be an art display area, it can be also a fitness area. It reflects the owner’s tolerance and the pursuit of art, if the design allows such indulgence in space.



Public restroom is relatively narrow, less lighting, in the design of the selection of a meter long basin with double faucet, and customized copper side of the mirror, enhance the sense of space. The other walls are covered with ink print wall cloths, which are picked form overseas, making the bathroom versatile.






The space of Master bedroom is relatively larger, the bed with a volley design, comes with the back of the leather made design, which reflects a simple but high quality. In-between the bed and floor glass window, there is a ferns selected by the designer. Branches of the ferns hang freely and joyfully. The connection between human and nature has never been so close. The main bathroom is furnished with marble of landscape texture, coupled with the leather-feel bronze mirror. Plants with big green leaves are cold with a trace of freshness. A step is designed by the side of the window, so you could rest after taking a bath. When you look out the window you will find a lot of cactus, which is an idea that the designer would like to surprise the owner, and all of these show the spirit of attention to details.







The overall design of the child room is the continuation of the hue of the whole house. Supreme grey, to stand out, is the partially use of the bright yellow as a decoration, reflecting the vitality of young people and the color has a blunt force. On the other hand, the wallpaper is also designed with care, through the different sizes of the two kinds of triangles filling up the whole space, quiet and yet vivid, demonstrating a vibe to cater the taste of young generation.






∇ 平麵圖 plan

設計師:楊鈞 吳誌華 魯婷

Project Name: Hangzhou Xiangshan International Private Villa
Area of Structure: 700㎡
Design agency: Yang Jun Design Office Inc.
Designer: Yang Jun / Wu Zhihua / Lu Ting
Photographer: Liu Yujie


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  • 老覃 2019年10月5日 上午9:48


  • 石墨丹青 2019年10月12日 下午5:39


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