自1950年代以來,瑪麗·費瑟斯頓(Mary Featherston)和她的丈夫,著名的家具設計師格蘭特·費瑟斯頓(Grant Featherston,1922-1995年)一起在澳大利亞的設計界發揮了重要作用。她和格蘭特(Grant)經常被與同一時代的另一支知名夫妻隊,美國的查爾斯(Charles)和雷·伊姆斯(Ray Eames)進行比較。如今,Mary繼續從事設計行業的教育和谘詢,重點關注以兒童為中心的學習環境。

With her husband, famed furniture designer Grant Featherston (1922-1995), Mary Featherston has been an influential force in Australia’s design world since the 1950s. She and Grant have often been compared to another high profile husband-and-wife team of the same era, America’s Charles and Ray Eames. Today, Mary continues to be involved in education and consultancy in the design industry, with a focus on child-centred learning environments.


瑪麗已經在艾芬豪(Ivanhoe)住了近50年。主樓是羅賓·博伊德(Robin Boyd)廣為流傳的作品,並且這棟房子比當時要早得多。Featherston House是由Boyd標誌性的棕色磚砌建築構成的寬敞,開放式空間,帶有半透明的屋頂,內部牆壁很少,在當時是一次大膽的嚐試-至今仍令人印象深刻。

Mary has occupied her home in Ivanhoe for almost 50 years. The main house was a much-publicised project for Robin Boyd, and a house far ahead of its time. A voluminous, open-plan space constructed in Boyd’s signature brown brickwork with a translucent roof and very few internal walls, the Featherston House was a bold experiment at the time – and it still feels strikingly contemporary today.






The new addition replaces a previous, much smaller apartment attached to the main house, which Mary’s own parents originally occupied. Though clearly contemporary in its style, this new update represents a new take on Boyd’s original design, complete with a ‘wall-less’ open-plan layout, a flexible floorplan where work and leisure are seamlessly integrated, a strong connection to nature, and even a translucent ceiling!


瑪麗與兒子朱利安·費瑟斯頓(Julian Featherston)緊密合作,為她的新房設計。朱利安(Julian)是建築行業的技術顧問,非常高興有機會為他的媽媽建造這座非凡的新房子。該項目最終將使他自己的家人搬入主房屋,將三代Featherstons放在一個屋頂下。

Mary worked closely with her son, Julian Featherston, on the design for her new home. A technical consultant in the building industry, Julian revelled in the opportunity to create this remarkable new home for his Mum – a project that will also eventually enable his own family to move into the main home, keeping three generations of Featherstons under one roof.


瑪麗和朱利安(Mary and Julian)態度嚴謹,在著手該項目之前設計了詳細的設計簡介。“我們要定義的一件事是氛圍-空間的本質是什麼?” 瑪麗解釋。作為“優雅的溫室”,人們決定將新房屋具有玻璃房屋的特征,並且像原始房屋一樣,應該與它所處的自然環境緊密相連。

Rigorous in their approach, Mary and Julian devised a detailed design brief before embarking on the project. ‘One of the things that we wanted to define was the ambience – what is the essence, the character of the space?’ Mary explains. Articulated as an ‘elegant conservatory’, it was decided that the new home should have the character of a glass house, and, like the original house, should very much connect with the natural environment in which it sits.







房子設計得盡可能簡單,也反映了博伊德(Boyd)在1970年出版的《居住在澳大利亞》中的設計理念。博伊德說:“與其他任何事物一樣,設計的目的,就是在建築中盡可能簡單直接地說或做基本的事情。”……重要的是建築物要提供更高的生活質量。 ,它使建築物(無論多麼微小)變成了人類精神的表達。”

Designed to be as simple as possible, the house also reflects Boyd’s design philosophy, as set out in his 1970 book, ‘Living in Australia’. ‘The object of a design, in architecture, as in anything else, is to say or do the essential thing as simply and directly as possible’ Boyd said, adding ‘…the essential thing is the higher quality of living for which the building provides, the something more that turns a building, however slightly, into an expression of the human spirit.’



For Julian and Mary, this collaboration has been a joyous challenge spanning almost five years, and an incredible opportunity for experimentation. Julian is particularly proud of the glass staircase – a feat of engineering, consisting of two layers of 12mm toughened glass, totally custom designed and built (requiring a particularly brave glass contractor!). His custom developed climate control system is perhaps the most innovative inclusion though – an intuitive system that forecasts the weather and then prepares the building for various conditions, controlling the blinds, mechanical ventilation, and reverse cycle heating / cooling. ‘The concept is of an active building rather than a passive one – a different way of approaching an energy efficiency’ Julian explains.







For Mary, this project represents a sensitive merging of old and new, and crucially, enables the house to continue to serve its purpose, remaining relevant and functional for her family in 2018. ‘I Love the feeling of light, and space, I love its directness, its simplicity, and yet its complexity’ she says. ‘It just works so well, and its beautiful, to me that what good design is all about’.










設計公司:Mary Featherston /Julian Featherston
攝影師:Amelia Stanwix




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