全球設計風向感謝來自 NAN Architects 的商業空間(旗艦店)項目案例分享:


NAN Architects設計了在上海的兩家線下旗艦店。“NEIWAI”是一家來自中國本土、專注於舒適型內衣品牌。“NEIWAI”一詞品牌寓意是“美應該由內而外”,而在建築範疇內,它很容易激發人對空間、材料、圍護這樣詞彙的再認知。

NAN Architects designed two offline flagship stores in Shanghai.“NEIWAI” is a company from China focusing on comfortable underwear design.“Neiwai”, as it presents in Chinese, has a meaning of “Beauty generates from inside to outside”. While thinking in architectural way, it awakes people’s reconsideration about a certain space, materials, and boundaries.




女人是流體。光、金屬、塑料、玻璃和木代表著女人個性的各個片斷。 材料在空間裏流動, 交融在一起。

Woman is fluid. Light, metal, plastic, glass and wood represent the individual pieces of womanhood. Materials flow in space and blend together.


商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿


直線、曲線、方、圓、單維曲麵、多維曲麵…形式不再是限定概念的客體,女人的單純和複雜, 沒有一個詞語可以將她概括。

Straight lines, curves, squares, circles, single-dimensional surfaces, multi-dimensional surfaces… The form is no longer the object of the definitional concept. The simplicity and complexity of a woman means that no single word can cover her.


商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿



The light band of the ceiling gives a hint of directionality and introduces people into the interior space. Alumina plates wrap high-precision 3D scanners inside. With the white table and the delicate stainless steel frame, we responded to various definitions of women while exploring the characteristics of materials.


商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿



We also designed a dedicated display table for NEIWAI, her name is “AVA”, made of FRP. Her curves represent the beauty of the female body.


商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿


∇ 平麵圖

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿


∇ 軸測圖

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿





“NEIWAI” is pursuing a neutral attitude toward daily life, identifying themselves as a “purified”, “peace”, and even “serene” design team, working to make life more comfortable. The architectural elements here in our design which set up as a pantomime is brought into stage:


商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿



The height difference through the entrance and the brand creates a large frame, providing a perspective of a theatre from outside to inside. The frame naturally brings you into a Hitchcock-type experience, you are in the scene from both sides, and the double sided frame sets you as a participants on the stage, not just an observer. As the space shifts, the arch from Piranesi’s Roman remains leads you into another area, the void boundary and the solid walls draws a clear outline of a sculptural and abstract replica of the commercial space, architecturally expressing NEIWAI’s philosophy in life and ideas in design.


商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿



The shelves are designed to be long and narrow, which stand as a metaphor for the beauty of women’s figure. The thin elements of the shelves also creates an elegant feeling and improves the spatial experience. During the design, the limits coming from the structural columns and the vertical pipes leads to some inevitable idea shifts, but on the same time it creates unexpected remapping of the arrangement and emotional change of the “NEIWAI” experience.


商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿



The fixture and fittings in the store also shows our simple and geometric design language in this project. The design provides multiple perspectives from different spots in the space. As the walls facing different directions, the space are identified with various properties. Engaging with the corners intersected by the walls, our design attempts to create a peace feeling in an authentic manner.


商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿


∇ 局部效果圖

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿


∇ 建築結構圖

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿


∇ 平麵圖

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿


∇ 軸測圖與門店立麵圖

商業空間,店鋪設計,NAN Architects,“NEIWAI”內衣旗艦店,上海,項目投稿



設計公司:NAN Architects  (www.nan-xu.com)



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