


A Xi is a 90-year-old who is engaged in financial work. He likes the space design style with retro style, and is fascinated by Shanghai’s villas and furniture with Chinese classical style. He hopes that we can carry out brand-new design and transformation on its original fine decoration. His one-bedroom apartment has the shortcoming of rather low indoor floor height, so he really hope to get this problem solved through our design. He expects his home to have sufficient storage space and unique temperament. He doesn’t like the style of following the trend, exaggerating and popular online celebrity, but only hopes that everything he has will be properly included in this home.


∇ 原始戶型圖 Original house type image



∇ 平麵布置圖 Floor plan




The original apartment was delivered in hardcover. Since there are only two people living at ordinary times, two bedrooms are not necessary. The balcony of the original apartment was designed to be useless, and there was a multifunctional space but it failed to play its role. Therefore, we made a brand-new adjustment to the spatial pattern of the house.


設計思考 Design thinking:





1.The balcony of the original apartment was designed to be a wasted space, which is useless, and not applicable

2.There is a demand for large storage capacity in cloakroom, andthe client hopes to expand the area of both kitchen and bedroom;

3.Thenatural daylighting of the living room and dining room are rather poor, so it is necessary to introduce light into the living room.


設計達成 Design highlights :






1.The balcony’s positionis changed, which becomes more hidden, so that more light can be brought into the living room;

2.A bedroom was demolished, which made the area of living roomand dining room larger and maximized the storage range of every part of the space;

3.Merge the unapplicable space of the original balcony into the bedroom, and then leave the area with the best lighting and ventilation for the dresser;

4.Some retro elements that homeowners likeare added into the space, such as rattan weaving, PU lamp disc, and herringbone spelling,etc.






客廳 Living room



Too many walls in the original apartment lead to unsatisfactory spatial layout. Based on the needs of customers who want to expand the storage space, we break the traditional living room home form on the original basis, re-plan the moving line, and try to achieve a harmony between the storage function and life aesthetics. The guest room and TV background wall are demolished, and the living room and dinning room are connected into a whole space, forming a free and open multifunctional space. Moreover, the lighting surface and public vision are expanded, and a large storage space is designed on this basis, which makes the space more layered and more in line with the living habits of the owner. In color design, the integration of classic black and white are adopted to maintain the unity of space, thus creating a comfortable, free and clean artistic atmosphere. The main lamp was removed, and a unique PU lamp panel was adopted to form a novel module order on the top surface, which stretched the space height, enlarged the visual experience of the space. Such a design makes the space clearer and brighter, makes the artistic aesthetics more prominent, and injects new vitality into the new lifestyle.







餐廳 Dining room



The living room, dining room and kitchen are placed in one space, so as to ensure the shortest moving line of the home, and a side cabinet is added to place tableware and snacks and fruits that are readily accessible. Marble warm and delicate lines and wooden table natural texture echo from afar, then the space is dotted with a touch of vital green plants,which is not too rich in green color, but light and vivid. The light of the chandelier hangs down naturally, sketching out the graceful light and shadow, which is trying another possibility of romance, and making life have a better sense of ceremony.







臥室 Bedroom



In order to continue the atmosphere and tone of the main space, we try to differentiate the proportion of doors and door covers in detail in the design of the bedroom. Such a measure not only raises the visual perception of the space, but also makes the space more transparent and bright. In the meantime, we have changed the rigid space between the second bedroom and cloakroom, which naturally transitioned the functionality in each area. We also put the air conditioner above the wardrobe, so that the return air of the bedroom can achieve the best effect through the breathable material of the wardrobe door. In terms of color design, we still use white as the background color laid out in a large area, and then add the elements of glass and rattan to form the visual subject, creating a living space that not only conforms to the living habits and aesthetic preferences of the owner, but also optimizes the living rhythm and style of the occupants. We try to create a functional and complete private space by integrating the house owner’s emotion into the design, so that they can enjoy the gentle and peaceful time as well as the beauty of life leisurely. Every corner of the home will be a unique scenery that belongs only to the house owner.



地址 / 湖北武漢
戶型  / 一居室
設計 / 設計巷川工作室
麵積 / 80㎡
項目費用  / 40w
聯係郵箱  /1950836243@qq.com

LOCATION / Hubei,Wuhan
HOUSE TYPE / One Bedroom Apartment
DESIGN / XC Studio
AREA / 80㎡
COST /0.4 million.
CONTACT E-MAIL/1950836243@qq.com



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