
For new domestic commercial formats, light medical beauty is also a “new species”. But medical beauty has become a necessities of the Z generation, constituting and enriching a part of the spiritual life of the Z generation. As the mainstream group that promotes the development of emerging businesses, Generation Z, their group preferences and consumption habits have a profound impact on the iterative method and innovation direction of business.


1.Z世代新興快時尚 A new destination for Gen Z



Z&BEAR品牌聯合MOOTHAN. Design末染設計打造的Z&BEAR首個全國水光便利店旗艦店,位於武漢最美麗、最摩登、最有腔調和情調的楚河漢街。

Z&BEAR was born in response to the new consumer needs of the Z generation, covering a variety of projects such as Shuiguang convenience store, black technology baby light, and Remag. It satisfies the exploration of beauty for people of many ages. Pursuing beauty and freedom, lightness and agility are unpredictable. This kind of skin is often more tough and calm. Since its birth, it has spared no effort to devote itself to women’s global fast fashion and light medical beauty brand.

Z&BEAR’s first national flagship store of water light convenience store, created by Z&BEAR brand and MOOTHAN.


∇ 地理位置 Geographical Location



∇ 外立麵一角 A corner of the facade




Contemporary women are an amazing phenomenon-level collective consumption in the field of technological beauty. Behind the extreme attention and maintenance of appearance is not pure consumerism, but in essence, it is the uproar of contemporary feminism. From anti-patriarchy to anti-patriarchy to return to gender type observation and self-release. The evolution of the concept of feminism has so far released the “gender customs” that lie above gender and entered the self-recognition of essentially gender.


∇ 店鋪入口 Shop entrance



2.4層樓高的“盲盒”外立麵 4-storey blind box-featured facade



The designer took advantage of the scale of the facade to create a 4-story building with a blind box version of the facade composed of “boxes”, neat and orderly, making the brand stand out in the entire block, like waiting The blind box opened and explored attracts passersby into the store to find out. At night, when the lights are turned on, the main color of yellow is recognizable enough to not only attract eyeballs, but also become a medium for Z&BEAR to express its brand attitude to the outside world.


∇ 門廳看向大廳空間 The foyer looks towards the lobby space



∇ 後區看向門廳 The back area looks towards the foyer



3.Z號艙——蛻變與新生“X Ark” — rebirth after doomsday



In order to make the brand and space present a complete sense of experience, the designer uses the “aviation cabin” as the theme, and uses space to tell the skin about rebuilding such a scene of “transformation and rebirth”. Cabin Z is the beginning of all beauty and change. The spiritual ark of the Z generation is a new starting point for young people. The views of generations have evolved into today’s universal men and women, even if they only start from the appearance of a huge self-construction.


∇ 門廳空間 Foyer space



∇ 展示空間 Exhibition space



∇ 建築的交通樞紐 Building transportation hub




The original site is divided into three long and narrow spaces with upper, middle and lower floors. Based on the original intention of the design, we reuse the space efficiently, and strive to convey the unique Z&BEAR through the orderly and layered multi-level spatial relationship in the space. “The New 2.0 Era”.


4.輕微衝擊,依舊朋克 Slight impact, still punk



In order to break the sense of emptiness brought to the space by the super high-rise hall, and to maximize the use of space, the designer divided the original high-rise space into two, but restrained only half of it, and built it in the second half. A platform is added to make the space more layered and more usable, and the interspersed elevator shaft makes the simple space more magnificent.


∇ 巨大的穿插結構,造就空間宏偉結構 The huge interspersed structure creates the grand structure of the space




Cement boards are used in the space to restore the original exposed concrete beams and columns presented by the demolition and stripping, and restore the original state of the building structure. Under the embellishment, cyberpunk is beginning to appear, which is cooler, more fashionable, and more future.


∇ 看向卸妝台 Look at the makeup remover



∇ 不鏽鋼換鞋櫃,幽暗的反射 Stainless steel shoe changing cabinet, dark reflection




Just as the cement texture of the main space does not point to coarse grains, on the contrary, the cement texture is adjusted with skin-like fineness and precision, while still presenting a calmness of gray tone on the whole. The reflection of glass and stainless steel emphasizes the lightness and translucency of rising. Two completely different or even contradictory textures bridge the framework and drama of the overall space.


Through the construction of bright and cloudy, strong and soft forms of collision to produce a quite dramatic commercial space experience, through the tough and calm appearance style and perceptual space concept to try to describe the inherent complexity of the interweaving.


∇ 通往二樓,上下樓層貫通 Leading to the second floor, through the upper and lower floors




Building volume sense through sky structure



∇ 平台上的視角 Perspective on the platform




The designer set up an elevator shaft with a height of more than ten meters in the space, passing through all the floor slabs, and visually unifying all the floor spaces as a whole. At the same time, the stairs that revolve around it have also become the check-in point and art installation in the store, looking up from the bottom up, extending from the ground up, full of power and sense of the future, science fiction and mysterious.


∇ 二層空間 Second floor space



∇ 利落的線條分割開放的空間 The clean lines divide the open space




The set of transparent glass handrails blurs the physical boundaries between the spaces, and the flow of people stimulates the desire of exploration of the people who come to the store. They are overwhelmed and dazzled, and they are in an endless space for exploration.


6.專屬“水光便利店”Exclusive “Shuiguang Convenience Store”





The brand LOGO chooses green that escapes from the space as the main color of the space, and the bright green can make visitors’ eyes stop for a long time.






Here is the window for consumers to interact with the brand. It is a space and platform for consumers to discover beauty, explore the unknown, and express themselves. It is a new exploration in scenes and an experience that exceeds expectations to convey brand attitude and brand value to users.


∇ 與傳統美容場所的迥異的空間形式 The space form is very different from traditional beauty places





∇ 空間軸測圖 Axonometric drawing





Through the brand culture, space nature, etc., MOOTHAN. design combines layer-by-layer element characteristics in series to bring a new arrangement to the new space. From point to surface, from big to small, it clearly tells the spatial logic of the same line. The language of the space, the emotions that I want to express, and the things I want to express are all the design directions that Ender has worked hard to do from the beginning to the end. In this space creation, the brand culture, function supremacy, structural breakthrough, and artistic temperament are integrated, so that the space can be expressed in a simple and pure way and get more freedom and release.

In the future, the Z&BEAR brand will continue to bring surprises to the market and consumers, let us look forward to…



Project Name: Z&BEAR
Project type: commercial space
Project area: 300M ²
Project location: Wuhan·Hubei
Main design: Meng Fei / MOOTHAN. design
Detailed design: Wang Pengyu / MOOTHAN. design
Lighting design: Sanyi xiangtian lighting design
Project Photography: Ricci space photography
Completion time: 2021.11



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