全球設計風向感謝來自 一乘建築 的茶飲店項目案例分享:





Opportunity and Imagination

The project is located at Haiya Mage Mall in Bao’an, Shenzhen.

As such a drawer concept retail is built within such large business volumes, the comparison between the beverage store and the mall, somehow forms a relatively unitary parasitic and contrasting relationship.

“We hope to break through the traditional mode of retail chains and create an experimental beverage store.” said our client, which deeply moved us as we first met. Regarding the project, the space includes an approximately 90㎡ indoor area and an approximately 100㎡ outdoor area, it was extremely challenged especially for the outdoor implementation, however, it is the challenge this space brought that inspires and sparks our imagination, which allows us to set sights on a bigger perspective, to see the indoor and the outdoor space as a whole, instead of as separate areas.


∇ 戶外綠植與都市景觀融為一體  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇ 改造前內外關係  ©一乘建築

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計




Run into Naturalism Romance

We want to create a landscape space that blends the indoor with the outdoor area. The inside space will work as a support for the function of the shop, while the outside space will serve as a public stage, providing both landscape and exhibition function. We try to find a rhythm of slow and peace in such a fast-paced city.


∇ 設計策略  ©一乘建築

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計




Turn Restricted Condition into Positive Thinking

Before our renovation, the original site was placed with potted plants and flags which were designed to separate the pedestrian and vehicles. Unfortunately, such public space does not appeal the pedestrian to stop for a while, this is a typical street section in China, safe but lack of vitality. Our design process was full of complications, from the stage version proposal approved by our client to the revised urban furniture version proposal requested by the fire department, under the restrictions of standard, usage, budget, timeline and various factors, we continued thinking and exploring our way out.


∇  改造前的街道  ©一乘建築

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇  舞台版本方案  ©一乘建築

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇  改造後的街道與立麵  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計





Exhibit Spatial Experience for User

We hope that the design of this group of furniture can be served as the supporting background to different activities and functions such as culinary experience, art exhibition, city jungle and etc. In order to have people experience the subtle changes between the space and themselves, the configuration is simply arranged by several rectangle structures but in different scales. The overlapping lines of the structures enframe a series of scenery, having the users themselves become the main character in the scenery, we hope to create and visualize the spatial experience for them.


∇  城市家具軸側概念圖  ©一乘建築


峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計

∇  家具類型研究  ©一乘建築


峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇  具備複合功能的城市家具  ©一乘建築

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計

∇  裝置和植物  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇ 夜幕降臨  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇ 透過裝置看城市  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計





Façade Design is the Expression of Seeing and Being Seen

The inspiration of the façade design comes from Edward Hopper’s masterpiece Nighthawks. The realistic painting depicts an all-night diner where three customers, all lost in their own thoughts, are close yet distance from each other. The depiction of the characters is so accurate and vivid that arouses us a philosophic thought on human isolation, we therefore hope to bring the sense of alienation back to an appropriate scale through such a store. A large plate of glass is a symbol of technological revolution, on the contrary, we want to achieve an experience of seeing and being seen through the fragmented façade.


∇《夜鷹》  Edward Hopper  圖片來源於網絡

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇ 立麵呈現出立體透視的效果  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇ 光線緩緩的穿透立麵  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇ 立麵  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇ 牆身大樣  ©一乘建築

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計

∇ 牆身大樣  ©一乘建築


峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計

∇  立麵  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇  立麵語言創造了新的室內外關係  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇  櫥窗  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計





Concise Feeling from Inward Stretched Façade

The interior design is the process of simplified and purified the façade. Apart from utility function, all the details are created to serve the purpose of making people feel comfortable. As the base color in the space, white is used for constructing the spatial structure, wood veneer is used for decorating the seat area and the color gray, somehow appropriately adorns the front desk and seat area that has the service function.


峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇ 戶外場景  攝影:張超

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


∇ 改造後平麵  ©一乘建築

峯茶PEAK TEA,峯茶設計,深圳峯茶,一乘建築設計,一乘設計事務所,深圳茶飲店設計,店鋪設計


項目名稱:峯茶PEAK TEA


Project Information

Project Name: Peak Tea

Project Location:  HaiYa Mega Mall, Bao’an District, Shenzhen

Design Team: Onexn Architects (http://www.onexn.com/)

Principal Architect: Bo Zhang, Jingjing Wang

Team Member: Bingxiang An, Ming Zeng, Ziying Cai

Construction Drawing: Nanfang Li

Execution of Construction: Yulin Le

Lighting: Pudi Design

Project Scale: 90 m2 Indoor Space, 100 m2 Outdoor Landscape

Photographer: Chao Zhang



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